Hi There
My name is Shimin Zhang, a full stack web developer based in Denver, Colorado.
My name is Shimin Zhang, a full stack web developer based in Denver, Colorado.
I create web applications solving real world problems. I write software using established technologies — with test coverage so they are easy to evolve and enhance.
While I am relatively new to the freelance lifestyle, I've been consulting for various agencies since 2012.
You can find my code used to:
Teach MBA students the importance of Minimum Viable Products at Harvard Business School.
Train Social Workers how to effectively use Motivational Interviewing techniques at Center for Social Innovation.
Automate the customer order processing and internet deployment at Lumen Technologies (formerly CenturyLink).
Visualize the strategic choices available to marketer for their brands at Big Picture Partners.
Control the arm configuration of Golem Krang at Georgia Institute of Technology.
Technologies I use include:
Front-End React.js, Gatsby, Tailwind, Bootstrap, HTML + CSS
Back-End Node.js, Express.js, Ruby on Rails, Git
Database MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Cloud Platforms AWS (Certified Cloud Practitioner and Machine Learning Specialist), Heroku
Grew up in New York City, I lived in San Francisco for work and Atlanta for graduate school before settling down in Denver.
I blog about programming, entrepreneurship, and machine learning.
You can find some of my academic publications here, and a copy of my resume here.
Offline, I am usually running and cycling on the Front Range foothills or playing fetch with Romulus the Aussie 🐕.
Here are some projects I have worked on over the years.
In all cases I either built it from scratch or have made substantial improvements as a part of a team.
You can contact me at zhang@shimin.io.